Creating Consistency (and a call for help!)

Creating consistency. We know it’s key – here are three ways to help.

But first, I would love some help! I would love you to let me in on what your biggest challenge is at the moment? What is the one hurdle – perhaps in training, nutrition, learning more about meditation or habits?

Please, hit reply and let me know! I read and respond to all emails from the blog.

Exercise, business, growth, building relationships, meditation…

All long-game practices. We know we need consistent exposure over a long timeframe in order to see measurable results. We also know that searching directly for short term results won’t help us. These are long game areas.

So, creating consistency becomes our focus. There are three things we need

1. Biologically compatible. If the practice moves you too far over on the stress curve, you won’t have consistency. Your body will win out. Fatigue or break-down will follow.

2. Relationship compatible. If you have a family or a business, the practices you want to build need to be somewhat compatible. This might not mean they are compatible right now, but that some negotiation takes place to reach a middle ground that works for both

3. In line with your vision or purpose. If you have direction you are heading in life, there will be lots of shiny objects off to the side. Little practices you could get obsessed with. For consistency, the practice needs to be aligned with your long term vision. Does it assist you with where you want to go? If not, you create conflict.

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