Inevitable Change

To create something new, bring a new idea to the table, and challenge the existing, is really hard.

For many people, the recency bias is dominant: Google and Facebook will dominate forever, the education system and job market are stable and fixed, that the music, fitness, health and design industries exist as they do for a reason, and that’s that.

Well, there are already better search engines than Google, Facebook and Insta still grow, but many people are starting to see that it doesn’t feel so great to be the product instead of the customer.

As for those other industries? We’ve already seen massive disruption in all of these (when did you last go to a CD store?) and it is sure to continue.

The one thing we know is change is continual and when there’s a drive towards better, this disruption is welcome by a few of us, and then occasionally it jumps the gap to mainstream and changes how we live.

Change is inevitable. It doesn’t mean you have to be a part of it, but if you’d like to, you certainly can raise your hand.

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