Induced Overwhelm

Reduced to its base, whenever you are overwhelmed by any emotion you lose all reason, you lose all sensitivity, you lose your heart in it. – OSHO

Overwhelm is as real as it is made up.

There is a physiological response – the heart rate, the breath, the tension… Yet there can often be no physical cause.

It can be crippling as quickly as it can vanish.

When we look at how we tend to create patterns of overwhelm in today’s culture, we find that usually there is a larger self-induced pattern at play.

It’s a sly pattern, it’s not simple, it often stems from distraction and it rarely involves a consistent practice.

What’s the payoff?

Through repeated bouts of overwhelm we get to hide from doing the work or project that we love.

More on this in tomorrow’s podcast which comes each Thursday. You can check out the podcasts here.

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