Find The People You Want to Work With [connection]

Often the topic of “connecting” to the people you want to work with comes up.

How do I reach them?

Of course, the first step is an empathy deep dive – understanding their world view and where do they hang out? What are they into?

Second though, is to realise that we can connect passively, or actively.

And that at certain times, there is a huge trap in “passive” connection efforts.

If we do a social media post, or put a flyer on the wall, we have choosen a “passive” connection effort. The hope is that you have visually matched the world view enough of someone walking past such that they stop and choose to purchase your goods or service.

“Active” connection is actively seeking out they people you are after: Giving a talk, running free events, meeting with partners or industry leaders and personally giving them your book or eBook.

Going the distance.

Of course there is a place for both, but to begin with passive efforts in the hope that it takes off can be a slow journey indeed.

Often starting with face-to-face work to build true connection and unite a tribe is well worth the time and effort.

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