Flutter and Hesitation

Fear and hesitation have a rightful place.

As survival mechanisms, they’ll often kick in subconsciously and instantaneously. They help us avoid dangerous situations or at least bring caution, which gives us some time to think.

In 2019 though, we often find here we have an almost inverted signal in much of our work and even relationships.

When we sense “flutter” – the elevated heart rate that comes right as we look at the opportunity to step off into the chasm of the unknown – sending out your new project, suggesting a new idea to the group, giving a new presentation, typically today we have a “yes” signal to go full steam ahead.

A trusty mechanism from the past letting us know we are right around our personal “ceiling” of experience in the present.

To step into the new is to welcome opportunity and growth. To embrace the “flutter.”

It’s supposed to be a little bit scary.

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