Intent Is From Playfulness

Resistance is born from seriousness.

When we stall on our project, when we hold back on calling that person, when we avoid showing up the way we could, we do so ultimately because of fear.

There might be a lot of other ways of describing this fear – I’m too tired, I got distracted, I don’t have time, It’s too much work etc…

But when we go all in on something, we are exposed, it’s scary, and we stall. This is resistance.

Intent on the other hand is from playfulness.

Intent seems like it might be serious, but really it is the opposite.

Intent allows us to move forward on the task. It allows us to smile at resistance, to understand that the nature of the fear in most of these cases is unfounded, that there is actually little real risk.

Ultimately, intent allows us to play the game of life in a bigger way.

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