
In a culture that is fuelled by the concept of growth, success, and purpose, it can be easy to become myopic.

It is tempting to only focus on the “1% better,” transformations, self improvements and latest productivity hacks.

We can quickly de-humanise the situation.

Then we have the concept of resilience… How do we stand up again after we get knocked down? After we inevitably do face resistance?

It seems that we can be as productive as we want, and “lean in” all day, but without an equal amount of softness, receiving, permission, self compassion or gentleness, we find ourselves pinned against the wall.


So perhaps it is through both creating tension and allowing this softness, we can slowly find a chaotic, shifting form of balance.

This week I had my friend, mentor and coach Cole Clayton on the APA podcast (episode 18 already!).

When I first met Cole, I owned my first business, was competing in Ironman triathlons and basically burning the candle at every end I could find.

From that first meeting ten years ago, Cole had an influence on my journey and this continues today. This is something I’m very grateful for.

Today I wanted to share the conversation, as I feel there is something in here you might enjoy.

APA Podcast Episode 18 – What Are You Breathing For? – Cole Clayton

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