The Ocean Swim

At the start of a triathlon there is usually an open water or ocean swim.

Although there are usually wave starts, there could be up to 2,000 people waiting, ready to start on the gun.

Of course, it makes sense to try and get yourself into a solid position.

Who knows, maybe today you’ll swim well – you better get right near the front.

As always, the gun goes and you end up getting clobbered from every direction, sometimes lucky to escape with your goggles still on your head.

Often, it’s clear that people even make an extra effort to push you under. It’s a mob mentality for sure.

As is often the case in life, there’s a tussle going on.

We have the the peer pressure and idea of getting ahead in the short term* versus the reality of recognising where we are at, finding our own path and staying consistent over the long game.

Whether we choose to fight the frenzy each day or side step it is up to us.

*The swim is only the first leg. The first part of the swim may just be 5 minutes out of a 10 hour race…

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