Good Decisions, Bad Outcomes

Particularly difficult to swallow.

We create the project, but then it flops.

We reach out to someone, but it lands on deaf ears.

We start a new movement or exercise routine, but then we get injured.

Bad outcomes can scar us from moving forward.

However, all of these may have been great decisions, even though all of them could be considered “bad” outcomes.

However, the link between a good decision and a good outcome is mythical. They are separate.

In the real world we are dealing with uncertainties, chaos and unknowns.

We can have a great decision and a bad outcome just like a terrible decision (or no decision) and a great outcome.

If the outcome is poor but we can recognise the decision making process was solid, then it gives us a green light to keep moving forward.

We may not have control of the result, but we can at least do our best in the process.

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