Body Composition/What It Means to be Healthy

While the fitness industry has popularised a “lean” look as the epitome of health, we know that this could be achieved while sacrificing other areas of health that we know to be important.

Despite being “ripped,” if your immunity, resilience, mobility or libido are low, then your overall health may not be up to scratch.

Here are a few thoughts on aspects of “fitness” that I believe might be a little more relevant:

  • Movement competency – strength, mobility, skill, balance that is in line or exceeds the goals or needs of the individual.
  • Body composition that meets the needs/goals of the individual, not those dictated by society
  • Relaxed muscles when at rest
  • Natural spinal curvature and posture, with strong skeletal structure
  • Efficient digestion and elimination patterns
  • Nasal breathing as default
  • Excellent sleep patterns
  • Relaxed, yet focused mind and the ability to hold attention
  • High libido and fertility
  • Good circulation, optimal heart rate and warm extremities (not cold hands and feet) 
  • Rarely sick
  • Positive, “dream affirmative” outlook on life

While a “lean” body composition can be in line with the above, it is often independent and it is not of more value than the above.

What we see here is potentially a redefinition of what it means to be “fit.” Quality of breathing patterns (for example), and cultivating an abundant state of mind may well sit above a visible six pack of abs when at rest.

Interestingly, many of the above are often seen coupled together.

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