My Focus On the Opposite.

Many focus on the output, the work.

I focus on the opposite.

Let’s look at exercise.

Yep, the programming is important.

Yep, the effort you put in is a big component. Of course, you need to show up. You need to practice.

However, despite this, my message is still to prioritise the opposite, even in the physical domain.

We need to invest energy upfront to ensure the path we head down is sustainable. For the general population, this means find a quality “approach” to the training that suits your goals, sign up for the program, show up. But from that point, focus your energy on the recovery, the down-regulation, the collection of energy from our key sources:

  1. Food
  2. Sunlight
  3. Earth
  4. Breath

We have been conditioned to work hard since we were 5 or 6. To compete, to self-improve: we have that down pat. We can turn up and do the work, it’s almost imprinted in our DNA.

However, we’ve lost touch of the other side.

Many times, when people aren’t “able” to continue with their exercise or wellness program, it’s not a lack of motivation, it’s a lack of knowing how to accumulate energy to balance this new output.

When they are too “tired” to turn up, too exhausted, or not motivated, they are telling the TRUTH, in the context of their current reality. 

Either the program is beyond their capacity, or, we need to create a new reality such that their energy and recovery needs are met. The “other side” is where we need to work.

If your residual outputs are too high (physiological load) and your intentional inputs are too low (restorative practice), then there is little hope, regardless of how much intention there is behind the practice.

Sign up for the program, but then focus on the opposite and you get to watch the magic as it all unfolds.




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