When movement gyms started appearing, they created an “open access” for adults to modalities such as gymnastics strength training, advanced mobility training, rhythm, dance, coordination and more.
Previously, this was not readily available.
Each of these areas was found deep down a rabbit hole that typically only belonged to those who had “grown up” with some link to that particular sport or practice.
When we democratise the activity – we not only create access to all, but we see “input” from all.
In a movement classes for example, there are feedback loops from teacher to students, students to teachers and student to student – and between all levels of experience.
There is open access and some space for open input.
This creates an environment rich for learning by observation and pitching in.
Democratisation of Ideation is even more important. This could be in a business setting of course, a training space (as mentioned) or in a relationship or family environment.
When we do this, we allow customer service reps to pitch in on strategy ideas. We allow kids to throw out wild ideas on what we could do as a family on the weekend.
It is a meritocracy of ideas, rather than a bias towards who the ideas came from.
We break down hierarchical barriers in order to gain access to more brain power, different experiences and different ways of thinking.
If you are a leader, what new and creative ways can you democratise your ideation and creative processes?