Culture is Everything

“Culture eats strategy for breakfast” – Peter Drucker.

Today I released a podcast with Jacob Hodson from Newstrength gym.

Jacob is known for his work ethic, and for showing up, day in, day out, to get the job done.

He carries this posture across his business, and also in his training.

Jacob has only recently started competing in the sport of “strongman” (lifting huge concrete stones, pulling trucks along, and other equally impressive feats) and has already won the State title in the under 90kg category.

He’s driven.

The huge take-away from the episode is the importance Jacob places on cultivating belief.

For himself, and of course, for the people around him.

After the episode though, I realised something – this belief is both self-generated and 100% linked to the culture he has around him, at the same time.


See, Jacob is actively realising that he both can, and needs to, create a culture around him that helps to push him into action.

Then, as we step into new action, we cultivate more belief.

So, back to culture we go.

Yes we can surround ourselves with other people that support us… but hold on, as Jacob shows, we can also elevate the culture we are in, by choosing to be active in this ourselves.

By choosing to have a voice, we create a new, positive input that helps to further fortify the positive aspects of the culture and environment that we are looking for ourselves.

As you look around at the circle you are in, your environment, your tribe, how can take a stand to help create the culture that you want to see?

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