Enjoyment, Decomposing Fish and Practice

For long term results, we need long term action.

The thing is, if whatever it is you are trying to do is out of alignment with what you want to be doing, or what you enjoy, then the lifespan is limited.

Even if we know something is good for us, if we don’t enjoy it, chances are we won’t stick with it.

So, we can either switch back and forth looking for that one thing that might tick ALL the boxes, that we fully enjoy right now, today (you won’t find it).

Or, we can reframe how we look at things.

What I enjoy now, I didn’t enjoy five or ten years ago. My tastes have changed.

In French Polynesia they have a cultured fish that they make, called Fafaru. This is decomposing fish that is cultured, then strained out and the water is bottled and sold at local markets and supermarkets. Most people here in Australia wouldn’t enjoy that. 

“Enjoyment” is malleable.

In fact, often we can simply “choose” to enjoy something. Not a food perhaps straight away, or type of film that we don’t like, but quite often we can do this with a practice.

This takes conscious effort, but if there is something you really want to develop, or pursue, then simply choosing to enjoy the practice of it can help immensely. 

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