The love warrior traveller walks a different path.
Over time, she has learned to listen to her heart, and is watchful for the traps in everyday life that can rob her of her energy.
While each warrior is unique and has a different energetic makeup, all warriors see they must fight to maintain their personal energy, in order to walk their path to the fullest extent.
Trends, groups, circles, platforms all have the potential to either elevate, or decrease personal energy.
Ultimately, personal energy is at our core – and is our catalyst to create positive change.
As humans, we have a number of pillars, or allies that we can choose to explore:
Breath, Perception, Nourishment: These mark our ability to cultivate energy internally. To “look after” and love the body and mind. They include the environment we create and perceive, our movement and of course the breath, our most direct link with our physiology and nervous system.
Impeccability, Urgency, Necessity: These are the allies for movement along the path. These help to cultivate and express personal energy in the world. We use these allies in our work and in relationship, both with the world around us, and with each other.
The path of the love warrior traveller is directional. Once she starts to elevate her personal energy through the allies, she cannot choose to go backwards.
The only way is to battle forward, towards greater energy and joy in her own life and in relationship with the people and world around her.