More is Not Better

The right amount is better.

A lot of gyms, coaches, personal trainers will really look to make it clear to the client that they did a work-out.

Lying on the floor drained after a session, intense muscle soreness for days.

This stuff makes it clear to the client that the trainer “did” something. They got “value.”

In fact, what we are really looking for physiologically is optimal stimulus, with minimal additional stress. The super-compensation (getting stronger than you were before) takes place with just a slight increase or variation in stimulus.

This means we can continue to see results with a sustainable approach.

More is not better in the physical realm and this reflects many other areas. Effectiveness, efficiency and consistency in what we do is superior to just plain volume.

This requires confidence in our methodology, patience and education, but ultimately is our ticket to play the long game and create lifetime results.

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