Scarcity and Abundance

The simplest filter.

In a world pivoting on social media, comparison, “growth” and “hustle,” we often find ourselves feeling conflicted.

We consciously and subconsciously place ever increasing demands on our physical and emotional selves.

We do this while also decreasing resources, such as food quantity and quality, sleep and rest.

So, knowing that we too play a role in the fabric of this society, what can we do? How do we decide on whether we are undertaking something from scarcity (fear), or abundance (love)?

“If I am going to undertake this task, is it from a place of scarcity, or from abundance?”

While nature moves from abundance, the conditioned mind tends to move from scarcity. So, knowing this trend, we have a head start. Here are a few other ideas:

  1. Are we competing? Who with? Others, or our old self? 
  2. Are we focused more on the outcome than the activity itself? Where is your attention when you start the endeavour or session?
  3. Does it go against the grain of nature? Nature moves from abundance. This also guides us to the subtle breath (maintaining CO2) and automatic down-regulation, or rest, when needed.

If it is from scarcity, it is not right. If it is from abundance, it is right.




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