Changing Circumstances

“I am I and my circumstance; and, if I do not save it, I do not save myself.”

― José Ortega y Gasset

When we look at “human performance” – whether that’s in our work, sport, relationships… We see the significance of habits, behaviour, thoughts and feelings… Then of course emotions…

Yet below this, there is our physiology – our breath, heart rate.

And our physiology is constantly shifting state (sometimes in a big way, sometimes a little more subtly…) based on our perception of our environment and circumstances.

We often hear of people who come from hardship, or trauma to then succeed in life. What we do know is that others succeed in life without this hardship, and also those who stay in a place of trauma will find it more difficult.

The first step is to change the circumstance – to get out of the negative environment.

This shift in circumstances allows us to change our perception and thus physiology.

If your environment or circumstances are threatening, scary, scarce or simply not conducive to growth, it can be very difficult to see any macro change in behaviour or performance.

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