Forcing it – Addictions, phones, retreat.

Today, the distraction potential of phones, computers, social media, addictive food etc is phenomenal.

Once we see this, we realise that sometimes to get the outcome we want, we need to create an environmental intervention.

If we need focus, we use tools to eliminate distraction.

If we are trying to change the way we eat, we position ourselves so that we physically don’t have easy access to junk. We make quality food easily available.

If we want to cultivate a certain state of mind, we can go on retreat.

Forcing the conditions is not saying: “I don’t have enough willpower to get through this alone,”

it’s saying: “I respect the amount of thought they’ve put into cultivating addiction in devices, wow, this is powerful. I’m going to set up a strategy around this.”

In a way, this is one of the big power areas of retreats. We retreat from certain things. We experience life with a different set of conditions. A different environment.

Perhaps you might set up a micro retreat at home for five hours, a day, or a week?

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