Can You Describe the Mona Lisa?

When you describe your work or your art, you can only go so far.

As humans, we communicate in a lot of different ways – and the information that we pass through written or spoken word is not complete.

At the end of the day, we need to see the Mona Lisa.

And ideally, we would need to see it in real life, to notice the complexity, texture and true colours.

The more you can “show” your work, the processes that you follow, and the impact that it all has on the people you work with, the more we can truly understand what it’s all about.

If you only talk about it in different sentences, sure we can pick up meaning, but it’s difficult to have full emotional buy-in.

Seeing the transformation and feeling an emotional engagement is how we build trust, and of course, how we decide if we want to follow along on your journey.

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