You Can’t Unscramble the Egg

Creating change might be hard sometimes, but it’s fairly simple.

We can choose to take up a new habit or set of actions, create an accountability system, celebrate successes, reflect on “misses” and continue to commit.

Some of the changes we make are “additive” – we introduce a new habit or pattern…

And other changes are more “structural” – shifts that impact where or how we live, our physiology, our mental-emotional state and more.

While there’s typically a huge emphasis on how to create the change, and the support that is needed for it to stick, we need to make the time for the upfront work to make sure that we are in alignment with the why.

Is the thing you’re about to do, add, or subtract going to actually be beneficial?

What is the original source of the inspiration?

Does it make sense logically?

Is there more we need to know?

While “feeling things out” has a lot of merit at times (yep, I’ll raise my hand here) and some things can be reversed easily, others can’t.

It’s hard to unscramble the egg once it’s done.

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