I’ve Learned the Lesson

At 10pm last night I outlined an entire minute to minute timeline of today’s schedule.

We were to start at 5am, get to a location for some filming by 6:15am, finish that job by 7:45am, get to another location until 9:30am, drive to the airport 5 hours away, all in time for a flight at 4:25pm.

Well, we didn’t make it.

We executed everything to the minute all the way up until the airport – and that’s where the wheels fell off.

Through simply miss-reading the sign pointing to the gate, we missed the flight.

A day of executing like champions, only to blow it where it really matters.

So, anyway, I sit here at the airport a few hundred dollars down and write my daily blog.

And, while I’m not smiling, I think we can agree that it’s possible to learn a lesson without beating ourselves up.

When there’s a financial and logistical cost already, it often doesn’t help to bring in a heavy emotional cost at the same time.

Lesson learned, time to move on.

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