I’m here to laugh.

I used to love watching the odd Seinfeld episode in the 90’s.

My favourite part of any episode was when Kramer would enter the room.

When I sat down to watch Seinfeld, I was there to laugh.

I sat down with a bias.

In fact, it could be argued that I laughed before I actually established how funny the entrance actually was that time.

The cool thing here is we see that we can decide on an attitude that’s linked to an event. This decision can made subconsciously, or consciously.

To me, Kramer’s entrance is linked to laughing.

Now, let’s look at other events:

To me, spearfishing is adventurous. At some point, this was decided.

To me, writing is rewarding. Again, this was decided at some stage years ago.

To me, conversations with new people I meet are interesting.

Now, let’s move forward…

What else is happening today that I can get excited about?

What job, conversation, or connection do I have in the next day that I can decide makes me feel good?

Just like your taste for certain vegetables can change over time, so can your attitude to circumstances and events.

The starting point is recognising that if there’s a part of our process that we are going to do anyway, we may as well decide that we love it.

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