We See The Good

In 2016, the Nike Rosche was one of the higher performing shoes in terms of sales in the US.

Now, having been in the shoe industry fairly heavily a decade ago, I can say that technically speaking, there aren’t a lot of great things about this shoe.

It’s unstable, it has too much pitch, and if I’m honest, isn’t the best looking shoe around either. Personally, to wear this shoe is a lot worse than going barefoot.

Why was it so successful?

When we build trust and affiliation with a person, place, brand or movement, we tend to see the good. We can do this as an individual, or, as a culture.

We forgive mistakes, we pay a premium, we turn a blind eye, we wait in line and, we rave about the whole experience to our friends.

Whether it’s personal or professional, brand is a powerful thing.

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