Subconscious Ideas

We sit down at a table together.

In a 60 minute timeframe, as a team, we can come up with a lot of ideas. Many will be terrible, some may be good. Perhaps one is really good.

This is “conscious” ideation. We are trying to come up with strong ideas.

The thing is, it works. But not in the way we really think about it.

When we go through this process of rapid idea development, we teach the conscious mind to “let go.”

We teach ourselves to allow the ideas to come through. To write them down, even when they are silly.

The exercise finishes, and later that day, you’re walking down the street.

An idea pops into your head. You make a note in your phone.

It’s a little crazy, but you allow yourself to play with it. It develops…

We can come up with ideas both consciously, and subconsciously. And a lot of the best ideas come from the latter.

The problem for most of us though, is that a lack of practice means the conscious mind is quick to judge, and the whole thing is crushed before we can get it out the door.

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