What do we not do?

I ran into the florist at the Junction – again, right on closing.

I’m always aware of the time when I do this, as I know it can be a little frustrating for those in retail as they try to lock up and get home on time.

Yet here I am again at 5:25pm, and I notice the woman is always incredibly generous with her time and assistance.

One thing she has chosen to do is serve her customers powerfully, with a smile, even when it’s time to clean up the shop and pack the flowers away.

A boundary is an intangible line that separates the things that we choose to do, and choose not to do.

The thing is of course, most of these boundaries have been set subconsciously.

If we look at our work, or our relationships, what happens if we write a list of things we don’t do.

Many of these will be helping us – boundaries we’ve set in place over time because of lessons we’ve learned (I have a boundary around the amount of wasabi I can handle at once)

And many will be limiting us – subconscious choices and narratives that hold us back. (I avoid difficult conversations that are uncomfortable).

As we go deeper further down the list, what can we uncover that are interesting?

What might happen if we relaxed some of the boundaries around some of these “things we don’t do?”

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