The Danger of Meditation

When we go into meditation, we go into ourselves.

Just like we can “opt out” of an email newsletter, we can choose to sit alone.

We might be sitting next to others, but we go inwards. Into alone-ness.

This is, on the whole, dangerous for society. We discover our own truths, the nature of our own thoughts and emotions. The nature of our own desires, then the occasional lacking of desires.

If you go into meditation in the morning, then walk into the shopping center, you won’t be impacted by the advertising, the lights and the marketing. You emerge unscathed. Your mind is clear and your decisions are yours.

We become our own leaders. 

The shops miss out.

Stress, business, excitation, on the other hand, leads us out of our-selves. We are amongst the crowd, willing to be swayed and impacted. We are followers.

When we start to go inwards, we find and then fortify our own path. Our creativity explodes.

“Meditation is danger for it destroys everything, nothing whatsoever is left, not even a whisper of desire, and in this vast, unfathomable emptiness there is creation and love.” – J. Krishnamurti

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