Choosing Adaptability

The “better” we get at something, the more watchful we need to be.

Our belief system cements, we “dial in” our process.

The potential to be side-swiped by completely new information or an approach that is far superior is smaller, but the repercussions if it does happen are greater.

We have more emotional energy “invested” in our way of being. As we get strong, so does our bias!

One way to navigate this is to prioritise adaptability, or “learning.”

This still helps us improve/reach the top end in our chosen area quickly (ofter more quickly!)

But it also encourages us to spin 180 if we find something better or more suitable, even when it conflicts with our current system.

Of course, before we pivot, we need to do our due diligence, stay alert.

But overall, to remain “fixed” in our ways is often to miss some of the richer experiences on offer.

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