Effort vs. Courage

“Every human is an artist. The dream of. your life is to make beautiful art.”

Don Miguel Ruiz

What stops us from creating our art?

If our art can be in our business and our relationships, what’s holding us back from this dream?

Is it strategy?

Is it needing a template?

Is it we need more effort?

Most people will say that one of these things is needed to finally do the work that their heart already craves.

I don’t think it’s any of these things.

Sure, some strategy might be helpful. And, there’s a certain amount of effort.

But far bigger than that, to create our art, we need courage:

  1. We need the courage to accept responsibility. For our story, for our identity, for our flaws, for our patterns. We first need to own these before we can have a solid foundation to stand on. Without this, we will always be shaky and will not trust ourselves.
  2. We need the courage to develop our nervous system capacity. You can dream whatever you want in the mind, but if the body cannot open and relax into the work, it will never come into reality. For many, this is both a slowing down, and, a slow process. It takes guts.

Maybe creating your dream isn’t about being a genius in strategy or living on the extreme end of effort (it takes just as much “effort” to live in the frustration of not creating).

Perhaps it starts with finding the courage to own your story and strengthen your nervous system to finally sit into the work that actually needs to gets done.

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