Gymnastic Rings and Clean Workspaces

When training with gymnastics rings, I insist that the rings are exactly the same height.

Many people get the rings “about” the right height and that’s OK.

For me though, I feel the difference is huge. We send a message that the pattern we are practicing, or learning, is important.

That we care.

We can’t really teach someone to care, but we can use subtle clues like this.

It’s the same with weightlifting. To me, the weights need to be put away, the right weight plates on the bar (not arbitrary colour co-ordinations) and definitely no stray or extra plates strewn in front of the bar.

We know that incidental inputs – the radio, the news on the TV, the furniture arrangement in the room… all leave imprints in the subconscious mind. 

The environment that we set up, or the “trail that we leave” does the same. We are choosing which messages we are sending back to our brain as an input.



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