Fear of Listening

To speak is to be yang. To dish out, give, to express.

To listen is the opposite. The other side. To receive, to permit.

While it might seem like a lot of conversation is simply two people waiting for a chance to express their own story, the same is true with the body.

It is easy to be yang. To force the body, force the movement, to make it “fit” into the mould that we see other places. Coaches are often great at helping us do this.

It’s far more difficult to observe the body, feel the body and allow it to adjust and find it’s way into a position, type of training or movement.

This is harder for a coach to grasp, as the “result” might not be noticed right there on the spot.

It takes longer.

While it might look like we get to the same place in the end, to allow is the long game.

To force is the short game.

In the long run, the two outcomes couldn’t be more different.

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