Weekly Meetings

Small businesses that have a weekly meeting usually outperform.

I know, even if you meet occasionally, it’s “yeah I know, we got this,” and if you don’t, this post feels like an “eat your vegetables” kind of post.

Don’t worry, we’ll look at it differently.

So why is the weekly meeting so key?

First though, don’t be confused…

We don’t mean a “monthly” meeting, not an “occasional meeting,” and definitely not a “we catch up in passing because we are close” meeting…

This is the scheduled, weekly meeting with the whole team if possible, or if you’re solo, with yourself.

See, when done well, the weekly meeting does one powerful thing.

It creates a structure, or container.

This is powerful because here we can build communion and connection in the business, allow each person to be seen and heard, and generate a ton of energy for the week ahead.

It then becomes a place for ideas, for feedback, and for problem solving.

This catalyses a business, helps us catch things early, and helps each person involved become a better leader.

A lot of people avoid the weekly meeting, put it off, or can’t be bothered.

This is often a sign of a lack of capacity to hold this space and engage in difficult conversations, or hold the bigger vision.

While there are a ton of ways to do a meeting, the main thing is to do it.

Here are four simple prompts that can help those getting started. Typically, each person can run through these prompts the day before the meeting, and then the meeting is a time for sharing these, and listening.

  1. Gratitude: What are you grateful for from the previous week? Be specific and relevant here.
  2. Updates: What’s happening in your space? What would you like us to know about? These are usually biz related, but can be personal also.
  3. Goals: What are three key goals you have this week? What does success look like here? Do you need support on these?
  4. Stories or “assists”: Similar to gratitude, these are stories of people who have helped “set you up” – people who played a role in a win you’ve had, or something you’ve learned.

The weekly meeting doesn’t need to take long, but from what I’ve seen, making sure it happens is a good idea.

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