Action leads confidence (yes, and…)

We hear this one a lot. And, it’s half the story…⠀⠀
But question often is, if there’s a clear direction we want to go, and a particular area where we want to be confident, what’s going on?⠀⠀

Why is the original “action” that’s required not happening?⠀⠀
If we know the first reps would help us “build” the confidence, why is it as if we are still stuck in knee deep mud?⠀⠀
The first few reps can only happen if we have the capacity to do them.⠀⠀
If we have the desire, but these steps haven’t happened yet, we’ll, then we aren’t there yet…⠀⠀
What can we do?⠀⠀
1. See that this isn’t usually a mindset or information area, but a trust and nervous system one.⠀⠀
2. Use practices to relax and strengthen the nervous system.⠀⠀

3. Use groups, frameworks or practices to increase the level of safety and trust in the action and environment.⠀⠀⠀
Action leads confidence for sure, and, if you’re stuck on the starting line, doing some of the work in self leadership can help the process begin.

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