Zazen, a Difficult Path

The most difficult way is to have no method.

To simply carry out the activity itself, directly.

With handstands, many like to have 100 different drills to practice to converge in on the handstand

With meditation, people compare their methods, how long, what type, different mantras etc.

The Zen people say with meditation, just sit. Don’t do anything at all.

The difficulty lies in the patience, because at first you have frustration and the feeling of failure.

If you try, if you just sit and do nothing for a period, say 30 minutes or an hour each day, for a month.. You will notice that something starts to happen.

It is similar with everything – the mind always provides 1000 reasons why a different program is required, or a different path is better. The grass is greener. More volume, more activity, more new ways.

But often the direct method works magnificently with some tasks, it can just take time and patience.

To do it, we start where we are and just just begin. 

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