Where did the Hamilton Gloria Jeans go?

There was a Gloria Jeans coffee shop that was around the corner near where I live.

When I arrived here – at the end of 2018 – it was just closing.

It’s been closed since. And empty. Probably lost $120-150k or so in rent.

Why did it close?

Across the street, and about 5 doors up, is a micro café, called Lords. Lords is owned by Browny, who’s known for his immense mullet haircut and fanatical surfing on huge waves, with small, foam surfboards.

A few doors back the other way are two cafés side-by-side that are taken over each afternoon by a loyal cohort of Italian men who sit for coffee and a chat over a two hour period.

They serve amazing cakes.

About a block away in the other direction is Suspension Coffee. This is the hardcore spot, for those who like in-house roasted beans.

At Suspension, they also have a way for you to “gift” a coffee voucher and leave it at the counter for those who aren’t able to afford a coffee.

Gloria Jeans was a catch all.

It was for the laggards who don’t yet appreciate the nuances in any of the specific, or “niche” coffee houses nearby.

Are all “general” coffee shops doomed? Of course not.

But what we do know is that if you pick your small, specific audience and have a unique offering that they love, word can spread.

And, you can certainly carve out a healthy business.

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