Personal story, personal energy (positive personal power) and personal brand is becoming essential to survive (or thrive) in small business.
For the last half century, the main programs in the culture have been working to digitise society.
We are already seeing this in everything from the shift towards online learning, news feed reliance, social distancing (geometric spacing within a room) and a movement towards a cashless structure.
This is a distinct shift away from small business, towards more of a monopoly setup led by a few digitised empires.
As we digitise a culture structurally, we close off the heart and solar plexus energy centres, which lie at the root of personal story or identity, trust, relationship and communication.
These are at the heart of small business, which relies on the engine of trust and attention. Personal story is now key.
This means that if you don’t integrate personal story and personal brand into your business, not only will you find it difficult to identify your zone of genius, but you’ll also lose relevance as more convenient, or more automatic solutions emerge.
If you’re in small business, a key part of the job is to share your story.