Body Composition, Weight Loss, Health – With or Against

There are two ways to tackle the body composition/weight loss equation.

The first one is to go against. This means we have an image of what it should look like, then start to use logic of the mind. If we need to lose weight to fit the image, of course, we reduce resources (reduce calories in).

Or, if we keep the resources the same, then we train harder. 5, 6, 7 days per week.

The other is to go with. This means that we look at optimising the metabolism and energy production. We create metabolic health, which leads to a stable weight/healthy body composition. This requires down-regulating stress in all areas through food frequency, the right foods and breath work. Our training is also aligned with increasing metabolism when at rest (promote lean muscle)

In essence, in Option 2 we overhaul the engine instead of restricting the fuel source. Yes it can take longer, but it’s putting health first, then dialling in things like body composition.

We can try option 1 as much as possible, but ultimately, it can only go the way of option 2.



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