Masculine and Feminine – The Space in Between

There is the masculine energy – the giving, the speaking, the growth, the expansion, the doing.

Then there is the feminine energy – the receiving, the rest, the listening, the contraction.

Often, when we thing of creating something new – an idea, learning a movement, a business, we envisage whiteboards, brain-storming, researching, writing programs, practicing…

But creation is born from the meeting of the two energies. The coming together of the masculine and the feminine.

The pause and receiving, then the action. The noticing, then the responding.

In order for the energies to meet, we need to create space. Pauses, gaps, a breath here, a moment there.

This is reflected in the breath not as the inhale, or the exhale, but the space in between – the moment of effortless pause.

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