The ONE Skill Above All Skills

It’s not secret that I love skill development. Handstands, ring work etc..

So, why so much interest in the breath?

Between breath and our approach to how we eat, we have two very powerful tools to bridge from the conscious to subconscious mind.

ANY skill, movement, strength element, project all are impacted by our skill to observe (notice), and then potentially shift our “state.”

In essence, the breath is the “go to” for ensuring we are sending parasympathetic dominant (love and connection) messages or information to our entire physiology.

Learning, development, recovery, performance… ALL of these are directly impacted by nueuroception, or what messages the physiology is getting.

If we are in an abundant state, it’s all systems go. 

If we are in protection mode, it’s shut-down time.

The breath is the key that allows us to navigate.


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