The Plumber Vs. The “Creative.”

A while back I interviewed one of my “heroes” Seth Godin on the podcast.

We were talking about that feeling of tension that comes up with publishing work, or with anything that involves emotional labour, or putting yourself out there.

Seth put it pretty simply.

“I don’t think it’s any different than being a plumber.”

What he’s saying is, you turn up, you do the work, and then you finish.

That’s the job. For a writer, a designer, or any other “creative” pursuit, you need to “create.” You need to do the work.

And, maybe it goes both ways. I remember meeting a house painter that did such impeccable work that one time the homeowners complained that the finish was too smooth and too perfect…

The creative, or artistic license extends to all of our tasks.

And, so does the practicality and the fact that the work just needs to be done.

“Creating” work we’re proud of, that is also consistent, isn’t just possible, as the market, it’s what we expect.

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