Staying Motivated?

For many years, I focused purely on what I now call the “Allies.” These are tools that we develop expertise in to help raise awareness or vitality – such as practices of the breath, sound, movement, nutrition..

The thing is, when you fall off of the wagon a bit, or miss out on something and the physical or emotional body doesn’t “feel” as good, it’s pretty easy to lose the fire, or the drive*

More recently, I realised that a bigger choice needed to be made, a choice of the type of “posture” I was going to have, or the type of “journey” that I’m on. I often refer to it as your “Context.”

Once a bigger choice is made around your context, then the allies drop down in importance – now they are tools to help in the bigger picture: The context.

The context might be love, connection, exploration, teaching… A blend between how you want to feel and how you want to live  or express.

To choose this context is to also let go of the idea of motivation.

If the context has been chosen consciously, then motivation is no longer required. There is stability in the direction. You’re in the river that flows, whether you like it or not.

The allies become not a hurdle that needs motivation to cross, but important tools to embrace, to support the context.

Of course, the choice has to be both conscious and firm.

Which is scary.

But then it turns out, we get to also build an environment and culture of people around us to help the cause…








*Everything is easier when you feel great?

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