The Beauty of the System

The beauty of having a system, a scientific approach or a method to your task is that it teaches us about our own emotional landscape.

Whether it’s training, sales, marketing, or developing your relationships, having a structure in place can help remove some of the emotional resistance that can come into play (and stop our progression!).

Further more, it can help create a mirror and teach us more about our own thought patterns and tendancies.

1. What resistant thoughts are arising?

2. What is our go-to object/method of distraction?

3. What is the “trade?” What is the subconscious or physiological “benefit” for deviating from the system or practice? A dopamine hit, short term reward, fear of being wrong/standing out?

Of course, we don’t always need a system, but without one, we need even more attention and awareness of our daily actions and patterns.

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