Relate, Ideate, Create

At least three stages, with three different energies, and three different challenges, to bring things to life in business.

First to relate. We need to be able to relate with the people and environment around us. To be in sync. To be aware of, and have stability in our own energy and story, and then be able to look around and see what’s going on without getting knocked out of whack. Relating means being in tune, but not getting lost. Empathy, with strong footing.

Second to ideate. To bring ideas into the gaps that we see or notice. To have positive thought processes and enough energy to create (and hold) a vision or micro-vision going forward, and develop ideas that can help with this change.

Third, to create. To create means to follow through, to finish. Unless it’s finished, it’s still stuck in the idea stage. It remains a draft. To create we need to continue to hold the vision, and, to bring in a new energy of persistence and organisation. A gritty patience. Structure.

Each stage has different challenges, and the closer we get to completion the more energetic and structural challenges we usually face. Pressfield calls this Resistance. “Resistance is always strongest near the finish line.”

In all the stages, our practices help us no only maintain energy, but also are key to bringing focus, awareness or structure into what needs to be done.

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