Endurance Sports – The Big Lesson


Results, not tension.

The one thing we can learn from endurance sports in my opinion is the importance of understanding/management of our state/tension and energy. To do well, we need efficient movement over a long period of time. 

Sometimes, a very long period of time.

Of course, efficiency and body management is key in all movements, but the time domain here is simply too long to hold tension, or else you will get chewed up and spat out (as many do even before they get to the big race).

Of course the breath is a big one and is constantly sending signals to our physiology, but also we have facial relaxation, shoulder relaxation, jaw and neck relaxation and even relaxation of the eyes.

If we can create as strong of a parasympathetic signal as possible (given the situation of the race!), then we have more options and more potential to finish with sound posture, movement mechanics and of course with speed.

Those who win the race are not necessarily the most aerobically fit, but often the most efficient both in movement and also state/stress management.

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