Five ways to fuel your project.

Networking events, masterminds and planning sessions are great if you have a strong organiser. And, they can get a little complicated.

They can also be fuelled on hype, which “pops” on the day (or week) and then drops as people disperse.

The trick is in the practice of creating ongoing energy, or in creating “tension” that can help things move forward.

Whether it’s a health journey, learning to do a handstand, or starting your business, here are five really easy ways to actually create tension that can help move things along.

  1. Passion as a practice! Emotion matters. It’s energy, and it drives action. Bring passion to your engagements as a practice – it also gives the feeling that nothing is going to stop you, and let’s us know that nothing can stop us as well (if we want!)
  2. Shorten timeframes. When your friend says they want to launch their podcast by December, what about end of October? What timeframes can you shorten? Today?
  3. Be the organiser. Organise support meetings with your peers or colleagues. These meetings will help them, and they’ll help you. But for this to work, you’ll likely need to cross that “organising chasm” yourself. Others rarely will. What can you organise? Today?
  4. “How will you beat the resistance?” – The mother of all hurdles. How are you going to beat procrastination, or lack of motivation? Set up the support system or approach now.
  5. Create a practice around due dates. Set small due dates, for everything. Become the master of space and time – being late for coffee is the step to being late on a project, which is a step to your own project falling apart. It’s a slippery slope – and setting this up as an ongoing practice is powerful.

Planners, outsourcing, and morning practices get all sorts of credit (some of it deserved!), and, when we ignore passion, or practicing timelines, we undoubtably leave a lot on the table.

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