Entropy Rules, Now What?

There are a lot of pseudo-spiritual quantum physics statements thrown around that sound good on paper but aren’t too useful…

The second law of thermodynamics isn’t one of those. It’s a fixed law. It holds up daily.

The second law tells us that in an isolated system, entropy increases with time. Or, as a system passes through time, it becomes more disordered.

To get a little more relatable, we can think about our health, business, or relationships:

  • Performance over the long haul detriorates
  • Left alone, a community will flatten
  • Without work, a relationship will break down
  • Without serious action, your idea won’t move forward

The list goes on…

So this basic law of physics tells us that just to keep things as they are, it’s going to require a lot of work.

Then to move anything forward, or to move to a state of “decreased” entropy, we need to put work or energy into it.

The question isn’t how much work we’ll have to do to get to our goal

(The answer already is: “a lot,” or else nothing happens, or it breaks down…)

The question is what is our relationship to the work?

What is our transmission as we step into the work? How do we relate to the work even if we don’t “feel” like it?

Understanding that anything you want to do is going to take real and measurable work is a gift. It means we get to focus on the second part – the execution, and our attitude during execution.

Entropy always wins, the systems need constant work. The execution of the work and how we show up during the work is the practice.

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