Changing Cultures

If we want to create a cultural change, of course the first step is the belief and conscious choice of the change.

The second step is to create our environment that supports this*.

This includes many factors, but one of the most important is people.

Many times people say that we are the sum of the closest five people around us.

Well, perhaps a continuation of this is that if we want to create change, then the closest five people around us are going to be instrumental in helping to cultivate that shift.

Knowing that a cultural shift is exactly that – cultural (meaning it’s going to involve more than just you) then the first seedlings to help catalyse that shift are a good place to start.

The importance of the people in our close environment cannot be underestimated.

Who do you have around you that help you on your journey?

*The third step is the practices, tools, or “allies” that can help us.

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