The Main Task at Hand.

What’s the main task at hand?

If we are running an event, we need a venue. We need the food and music.

But, we also need the people (sales).

When we are on our “fitness” or health journey, maybe we are trying to build strength, or “enter” the marathon. We need the aerobic fitness, we need the tools for recovery.

But, we also really, really need the movement technique.

So, which comes first? Which is the critical path?

Often we can innovate the whole model by challenging our initial ideas. The obvious path isn’t necessarily the only way.

Maybe we can sell out the event at a secret location. Maybe we can master the running gait across 1km before we do our first longer training run.

Sometimes (particularly when there is not a set end date – or when it is an open ended journey) we can challenge the conventional path and catalyse our results in the long game

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