“Remember my mantra”

“Remember my mantra: Distinct or extinct” – Tom Peters.

We keep hearing we’re in the attention economy.

It’s the new currency, and because it’s so valuable, it’s harder than ever to “get.” Supply and demand.

So to stand out, or grab attention, it’s tempting to do more, more speed, more volume, more hot topics, more CAPS.

Soon it’s too much. Buckling under the weight of it all, we go into hiding.

But what if one of the ways you could stand out was through “how you showed up over time,” for a particular group?

Rather than being there for everyone sometimes, what if you were consistently there, for the people you really want to work with?

Keeping your word, showing up with energy, over time, for a chosen group, is an edge. 

Consistency can be a distinction, and can help with the attention part.

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