What to do with uncertainty?

One of the things about checking email or insta, is it feels like it closes an uncertainty gap.

What are people saying? Am I included?

I better just check quickly…

Turns out though, certainty is a mirage, and uncertainty doesn’t actually hurt us – we can still move forward, even when we don’t know what’s going to happen.

It’s the same in your business.

⁃ Will this idea work?

⁃ What if it doesn’t work?

⁃ How long will it take?

Just trying to close these gaps can be such a huge time and energy drain, that we can freeze altogether.

There’s been a lot of uncertainty this year, and if you’re in small business, there’s always more ahead.

The question is, will you focus on uncertainty, or will you focus on moving forward with the work you want to do?

We can’t be certain about an outcome, but we can work on the next step of our process, and keep learning along the way.

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